Let us find the right psychologist for you

Whether you know what you need or aren't sure where to start, we'll help you find the right fit. It's completely free and confidential.
We've helped


people better their mental health
Find your psychologist We will never sell your data to third parties

Simple, free matching

Whether you know what you need or aren’t sure where to start, we’ll help you find the right fit.


In-person or online

Get started today with video or in-person sessions and find therapy for your mental health challenge.


Confidential and secure

We will never sell your data to third parties, and messages between you and your therapists are encrypted.

Getting started

How it works

Find the right match
Share your preferences, and we'll filter through 1300+ therapists in Denmark to find a good therapist for you.
Book your time for therapy
Book right on Healper - we'll handle everything from there. You'll only be billed after your session.
Meet your therapist
Now, you will be able to meet your therapist and you can start managing your challenge together.
Find your therapists
Our mission

Healper is improving mental health for everyone

Approximately half of us will, at some point in our life be in a mental health crisis. However, only one out of three will successfully get to a therapist because the process of finding one is so draining when you're already in a rough spot. We are changing this.
Read about our mission

Life can be difficult

Finding someone who can make it easier shouldn't be.
Match with therapist It is free and confidential
Read more

Often asked questions

Find out more about Healper and how we help people. We are always ready to help you. If you would like to talk to us directly please contact us here.

What is a Healper?

Our purpose is to give access to better mental health for everyone. Among other things, we help in solving society's mental health crisis by making it easy for you to find a good and experienced psychologist who can help you. You can find the right psychologist for you by going through our matching process. It is completely free, confidential and secure and it only takes five minutes. We work with good and authorized therapists in Denmark, so you can trust that the therapy you find through us can help you to better mental health. You can read more about our mission here.

The vast majority of the therapists you can be matched with are licensed psychologists, but you also have the option to match with other therapists such as psychologists and psychotherapists MPF. You can read more about Healper's quality assurance of therapists here.

How do I find a good therapist?

The best psychologist for you is someone that you feel you can trust and someone who has experience with your mental challenge. You can read more about how to find the right psychologist for your mental challenge here.

You can also read more about other topics in mental health here.

How do I find therapists close to me?

In our free and confidential matching, it is possible to choose how far you are willing to travel to see a psychologist by entering an address. You can find therapy close to you, no matter where you live in Denmark. At Healper you can also choose to be matched with psychologists who provide online therapy.

You can also click below to read more about finding psychologists in specific cities:

What therapists are there at Healper?

At Healper you can find psychologists experienced with most mental challenges. When using our matching you can choose from a variety of challenges so you can find the right psychologist and therapy .

You can among other things find therapists with experience in:

The vast majority of therapists you can match with have the title "Authorized Psychologist", but you also have opportunity to match with other therapists such as psychologists and psychotherapists MPF, should you wish this. :

Read more about Healper's quality assurance and requirements for the various therapists here.