We help you improve you mental health
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The problem
Approximately half of us will, at some point in our life be in a mental health crisis
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However, only one in four will successfully find psychological treatment
partly because the process of finding it is draining when you're already in a rough spot.
For those, who find help, many report that they don't have the right chemistry with their therapist, and as such their chances of effective treatment are limited
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This results in unnecessary hardship for you and your loved ones and is an immense cost to society.
Everyone should be able to get help to improve their mental health
Our mission is to offer the right therapy for you, quickly and easily, in order to increase your quality of life. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, access to help should be available to everyone. We founded Healper because we believe that a better match with one of our therapists can provide more effective therapy so that you can get the most out of life.
The road to better mental health
We believe that better mental health starts with having a therapist you trust, have chemistry with, and who has relevant clinical experience. Therefore, you can find the right one of our therapists for your challenge through our matching. It is completely free and easy to use. We believe that a better match means better therapy, allowing you to get more out of your life.
Help us help others
We cannot achieve our goals alone. We've made great strides towards making better mental health accessible to everyone, but together with you we can do even more. You can support our mission by spreading the word and raising awareness about the issue. If you have any ideas on how we can improve, please
contact us .
Life can be difficult
Finding someone who can make it easier shouldn't be.
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